Muhurta is a Youth organization. Established 26 March 2020. Founder: MD. Shadman Khan. This organization basically driven by the University students. We believe in learning, enjoyment & contribution to society. Major Segments • Social Responsibilities • Skill Development • Photography Percentage Of All Segments Social Responsibilities • Give priority for fundamental needs • Betterment Of Environment • Charity Skill Development • Workshop • Career Guidelines • E-learning Internal S ectors Reach Social Media Sites
There is a significant lack of IT professionals. Only 13% of the workforce in the IT sector are women. Only 1% of the ICT companies in the country are led by women. If I had one word to describe it, it would be "prejudice". Significant Challenges: Criticism & judgements Security issues Families and teachers discourage girls from pursuing challenging jobs in technology because girls are told that they are not supposed to be good at this subject. Stereotypes, lack of proper balance between employment and family care. Some challenges are related to the working environment. Gender bais, credibility is another issue women face when they try to get into the IT sector. And the male dominated climate. Continue to block women's progress in the IT sector. I see myself as being part of the solutions to this challenge in following ways - 1. IT scholarship may be a convenient motivation to create awareness among students. 2. Some proper steps for the working women t...